PNP_Pubblico Non Privato
PNP_Pubblico Non Privato is a project devised by Teatro Magro and Zero Beat (supported by Fondazione Cariplo, Comune di Mantova, Comune di S. Benedetto Po and under the patronage of Provincia di Mantova) born from the need to draw the audience closer to contemporary theatre so that “going to the theatre” doesn’t remain an episodic and niche experience but becomes part of the cultural life of the city. This process can be made by overturning the roles and the orders of the relationship between system and audience. In order to stimulate the participation of the citizens to the project an open call was launched that allowed to select 40 Spettatori Mobili (moving spectators from 16 to 70 years old coming from the whole peripheral Mantuan area, and further, willing to have an active role in the artistic planning of their city) who participate in the artistic direction of the theatre festival by selecting shows, performance and events to be hosted at Teatro Magro’s HOME space in Mantua and at Zero Beat’s Beatnik space in San Benedetto Po.
The Spettatori Mobili take part in meetings to be educated on the vision and evaluation of the shows along with Teatro Magro’s and Zero Beat’s operators and with experts in the field (Tips theatre/Giulia Menegatti, STRATAGEMMI prospettive teatrali/Ale Cioccarelli e Chiara Marsilli, …). At a later time, in summer, they participate in actual trips to attend the selected live shows within national contemporary theatre festivals such as: Dominio Pubblico – Rome, Colline Torinesi – Turin, Da vicino nessuno è normale – Milan, Festival Inequilibrio – Livorno, Santarcangelo Festival – Ravenna, Festival Pergine Spettacolo Aperto – Trento, Kilowatt Festival – Arezzo, Fies/Drodesera Festival – Trento, Teatro Sociale Gualtieri – Reggio Emilia (with a special section of under 30 years old Spettatori Mobili), ITIndipendent Theatre – Milan, Natura Dèi Teatri – Parma, Festival Inequilibrio – Livorno, Arti Vive – Modena, Granara Festival – Parma. Always accompanied by expert Teatro Magro’s and Zero Beat’s operators, they select artists and shows from the festivals they visit to be hosted in their city: Mantua.
Many Spettatori Mobili are experienced spectators and many others are new under 20- and 30-years-old participants, some of which were included as audience in the TEEN project curated by Segni D’Infanzia. One of the news for the third consecutive edition of the project (theatre season 2019/2020) was the “Pubblico Non Privato” prize that the young under 30 y/o Spettatori Mobili assigned during the Direction Under 30 festival by Teatro Sociale in Gualtieri (reaching its sixth edition and supported by Fondazione I Teatri in Reggio Emilia), in addition to the historic awards of the popular board and of the critical board.
Teatro Magro and Zero Beat represent an innovative and enriching factor for the whole live show system and are two realities operating in the Mantuan area for years handling with cultural activities mostly addressed to the local community, with a long professional experience in the field of research theatre, socially-engaged theatre, performing art, music and audio-visuals.
Thus PNP_Pubblico Non Privato theatre festival is born: a list of events branded PNP_Pubblico Non Privato designed by the audience for the audience and open to all citizens.
3rd EDITION 2019.2020
>>> Download full programme <<< •
PNP_Pubblico Non Privato is part of Teatro (MN) – one single programme for many theatres: a network of realities dealing with theatre in Mantua, a cohesive and synergic collaboration that gives value to the strengths and individual ideas for the construction of a common show schedule. In collaboration with Fondazione Artioli, ARS Creazione e Spettacolo and Carrozzeria Orfeo.>>> Download full programme di Teatro (MN) <<< 2nd EDITION 2019.2020
2018.2019 >>> Download full programme <<< • 1st EDITION 2019.2020
2017.2018 >>> Download full programme <<<
PNP Pubblico Non Privato | a project by Teatro Magro e Zero Beat
with the support of | Fondazione Cariplo Comune di Mantova Comune di San Benedetto Po Ministero Beni Culturali Fondazione Altamane progetto Connessioni
under the patronage of | Provincia di Mantova
technical sponsors | Casa Nonni Borgo Angeli, GialloZucca Nostromo Serafina Global Informatica
in collaboration with| Pantacon, Associazione Etre, Consorzio Oltrepo, Progetto LAIVin, Associazione Mistery Life, TEEN
si ringraziano | Santarcangelo Festival Centrale FIES art work space Teatro Sociale Gualtieri Da Vicino Nessuno È Normale Milano Dominio Pubblico Kilowatt Festival Armunia Pergine Colline Torinesi
thanks to | Fondazione Mantova Capitale Europea dello Spettacolo, Cooperativa Charta, Cooperativa Radio Base, Cooperativa Alkemica, Ars Creazione e Spettacolo, Fondazione Palazzo Te, Sistema Bibliotecario Grande Mantova, Sistema Bibliotecario Legenda, Aipd – Associazione persone down, Associazione X Fragile, Liceo Scientifico Belfiore, Liceo Classico e Linguistico Virgilio, Enaip Mantova, Istituto Agrario Strozzi, Segni D’Infanzia, Liceo Scientifico Manzoni di Suzzara, Legacoop Lombardia, Legacoop Nazionale, Cinema del Carbone, RUM-Rianimazione Urbana, Camera di Commercio, Arci Mantova, Associazione distretto Culturale Le Regge dei Gonzaga, CHV di Suzzara, Spavaldi.